

Erwin | 19 ans

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i want to get more experience in the valorant scene, reach a high lvl of team play and rankings and grind with my team alot to improve on myself as a player and person.
trying to become a pro player in the future.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Svenska skolcup qualifier WON
  • Svenska Skolcupen slutspel 3rd


17 years old in 9 days, (born 2004 in sweden), been playing CSGO for 6.5k hours, lvl 10 faceit highest elo 2.8-2.9k, willing to work hard to achieve greatness with a team and do my best for everyone in the team, currently waking up an hour to 2 hours before school to aim pracc and work on my individual skill and i have plenty of time after school to pracc with a team and put into many hours a week, available almost all the time at any time of the day outside of school hours and i typically end school very early every day anyway.
Been playing valorant for 2-3 months currently diamond 3 and main jett / reyna, i do my job as a duelist and im not afraid to go in first and entry and get information for the team and open up space.
Played in swedish Schoolcup with a former team where i placed 3rd/4th.


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