

Alfie | 23 ans

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To play at a high level with a team, qualifying for tournaments, improving as an individual and a team player and hope to play professionally one day.

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I am an avid FPS player, accruing 1,400 CS:GO hours between 2016-2018 before taking a break from PC gaming until March 2020. Since then I have been playing Valorant on and off since Beta was released. When began Valorant I climbed from Silver 1 to Platinum 2 in a matter of weeks. I then took a break from the game to player the likes of COD with friends. Now I have gotten back into Valorant in the past few weeks and can feel a lot of improvements from before. Although I am only currently ranked gold 1, I feel my game IQ in continuously increasing as well as my aim, and I want to keep playing and improving. Not only this but I want to experience the game as a team member, having set practise, learning strategy and playing scrims as I feel this will only help me to improve more. The game is great playing ranked and with friends form time to time, but I am hungry for that more competitive edge.


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