

AnupamMS | 21 ans

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Honestly I just want to play this a little bit professionaly with a team , maybe VCC and big tournament is the big dream!

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Ive been a valorant player for around 6-7 months now, currently at silver 2, i have never invested in a game this much before.I have played other fps games, like Pubg PC, Pubg PC lite,COD( a little bit), CS 1.6 ,CS Source, and CS GO.While my resume may not be interesting, i can assure you i can play most of the agents decently, Im a Astra,Sova,Jett,Reyna main In that order. I can play all other agents decently as well if i learn a bit.I started playing just for fun so most of my valorant history was mainly unrated but then I wanted to play seriously so I set EDPI, Changed my setup and everything and also tried a few tournaments with my friends. What i realised was only I was taking it seriously and training everyday and only I was invested in those training, so i thought playing with friends is a bad idea professionally thats why i wanted to apply for this team.You can find my player rating in the link given below
I believe i can still play a lot better as well
Personal Life, Im 2 months away from 19,currently 18 (24/12/2002).Starting Up college in IHM and Going for MBA after 3 yrs


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