

Nick Ryan | 23 ans

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I want to become a part of or a member in a team or organization that can further my knowledge of fps games and how to play them at a competitive level and allow me to gain experience I cannot gain elsewhere. I am a competitor just looking to compete anywhere I can.

Experiences online

  • Faceit(CSGO)
  • League of Legends
  • Dota 2

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


My name is Nick, I'm 19 from the United States. My journey on the path of FPS' began when I was 10 years old and got into call of duty. As most young kids who play these types of games, I had ambition and wanted to be better than all of my friends. This led me to a long love of these types of games and games in general. When I was 14 my friend introduced me to CS:GO. This became the first of my genuine competitive experience in FPS games. Since then I have accumulated 4000+ hours in the game and around the community. While I always had ambitions of getting on a team and making it big as every young gamer does, I simply did not have the time or resources to do so. But regardless the game made me develop a true and cultivated love for the FPS genre. Nowadays I mostly play Valorant but occasionally other games, always willing to try something new.
With the coming of Valorant my excitement in regards to FPS couldn't be higher I am looking forward to what is to come from an e-sport perspective as well as game development.


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