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Here to find a team to stick with and play with consistently. Hopefully get into higher tier Valorant eSports and get somewhere with a team in Valorant. But more importantly to play with people who are ready to learn and grow as a team and want to get somewhere aswell.

Experiences online

  • Has been playing valorant for about five months now
  • Played T3 R6 for a year

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Not a whole lot to be honest, I'm 15, been playing Valorant for about 5 months now, I mainly play duelists, an opper (but who isn't) open to learning and criticism. Only bronze but I do not play ranked much at all, played Rainbow Six Siege competitively on a T3 team for a year. Only left because I was just tired of the game and am ready to move on with Valorant, a game that I enjoy a lot more than I ever did with siege. Available and a pretty flexible schedule. And am simply a clean slate ready to learn and grow with people who have the same ambitions.

I also have a YouTube channel where I edit together Valorant montages solely for fun.


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