

Sohee | 17 ans

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Leader Leader


- To improve at VALORANT
- To become an even better team player
- To practice being an IGL for a team that is willing to communicate with each other and improve together
- To climb up the ranks and reach the leaderboards one day ( :

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- IGN: Sohee
- Basic information: Female, 14 years old, turning 15 in November, plays on NA West servers (CA)
- VALORANT experience: Peaked Plat 2, have experienced Diamond elo on other accounts and have been able to maintain in the middle of the leaderboard. Currently Gold 3 and am trying to climb on my main account.
- A strong sentinel and controller player. For example, I play best on Killjoy and Omen. I tend to get the most frags with these agents and assists by helping my team with my setup (Killjoy) and blinds (Omen). I do like playing aggressive on Killjoy from time to time depending on how the enemy team is playing. I utilize her turret for easy kills and alarm bots for information.
- Is a great strat caller and IGL. I love making calls before the round start, explaining generally how the round should go by analyzing my team's loadout and ultimates. For example, if my team wins pistol round and the next round after a buy, I suggest that we stick with our current loadouts and play close corners or distances as the enemy team will likely buy out.


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