

Cristian | 22 ans

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Building team chemistry, Succeeding in games, Getting better at making decisions as a team, Ranking up, Dominate the competition.

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8 Year Vet in FPS. A Naturally Competitive Person :). NA-East. Looking to find a team to have synergy, team chemistry, and good communication in tough matchups. I can fill every role though I mainly like: Controller, or Initiator. I used to be Diamond 2 back in chapter 1, took a break, and now i'm back in the middle Platinum elo. My strength comes heavily on aim, and I try my best to make smart choices and high game sense decisions depending on what I see from the other team. I personally feel with a good team, climbing the ladder will definitely be a lot easier.

Duelist: I can play this role very well due to my aim and can USUALLY get around 17-28 kills depending on how long the game is. Can play almost every Duelist agent.

Best: Phoenix/Reyna

Worst: Yoru

Initiator: Probably the best role for me in a team setting with great synergy, love this role A LOT. Can play almost every Initiator agents.

Best: Breach/Sova

Worst: KAY/O

Controller: This role suits me very well for both Defensive side and Attacking, in a team setting this is an excellent role for me. Can play most Controller agents.

Best: Toss up between Brimstone/Viper

Worst: Astra

Sentinel: This is my least best role but I can still play it decently, Majority of the times this comes down to playstyle, I don't personally feel this role fits my playstyle though I am willing to adjust either way.

Best: Not really sure, probably the most potential with Killjoy/Cypher.

Worst: Maybe Sage?


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