

Sam | 20 ans

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Playing VALORANT full time professionally.

Experiences online

  • 2K Hours CSGO, GE
  • Platinum 2 R6S, 1K Hours
  • Mid Player in TF2, 2K Hours
  • CB - RPL G Invited to RPL Reached Semifinals in Draft League Reached Semifinals in RSL S3 Reached Quarterfinals in RSL Minor Reached Semifinals in RSL S4
  • Immortal in VALORANT

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hey! I'm t0rn, a British young player who was Immortal 1 back in beta. I'm LFT that I can go to LAN with, and eventually, reach a professional stage. I'm really happy playing anyone that isn't sage brim or raze, though cypher is currently my main. I've got a long history with teams from other games, being a global elite CS player with almost 2k hours, plat 2 in R6S with a 50% winrate in ESL, and of course my experience with VALORANT over the past few months. I've been told that my aim is fantastic, but my strongest point is my game sense. I thrive by outplaying the opponent rather than outaiming them, though I can do both at an immortal level :). I'm free pretty much all day everyday, -3 hours from 5-8pm BST.


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