

Draegon | 18 ans

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DraegonTheDragon#34631 icon
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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Editor Editor


My main goals are to
-1 Get a higher rank
-2 Participate in a tournament
-3 Meet people in the community
-4 Help my team grow

Experiences online

  • Fortnite
  • COD
  • Rainbow Six Siege (960+ hours)
  • Overwatch (less than 200 hours)
  • Valorant (Bronze 3)

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


I am looking to join a VALORANT team because I want to improve my skill in the game and have a solid team that can work with me so we can advance in ranks as well as participating in tournaments, I want to join a community to make a name for myself and my new team. I work well with other people and am ready to be a team player. My main agent in VALORANT is Cypher, I main intel because I try to give my team the best advantage possible when it comes to winning the round. The only other agent I feel comfortable playing is Sova because that is the first agent I learned how to play.
This would be my first time joining a team that would not be created by my friends, but what I want to get away from is toxicity, I am looking for a place where I can learn without the worry of toxicity. However, I can understand judgment and constructive criticism. My current rank is Bronze 3 and I am looking to get into at least gold by next season
I am located in Southern California, specifically Orange County (I don't know why the website says France but I don't know how to change it)


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