

John | 17 ans

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I want to start off with a small team and slowly become more popular so I can buy a new setup to stream on Twitch. If i'm successful I want to start a YouTube channel using clips from my Twitch streams.

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I have little experience in cs:go and have been playing fps games for 6-7 years. I've played other genres of games so I have overall gaming experience as well. I just started Valorant a few days ago and i'm doing pretty good, but a downside for me is I have more losses than wins but usually average around 15-25 kills a game. One of my flaws is I tend to rely on instinct and talent rather than practice and strategy. Everyday I work on my aim in the range but at max I only practice for 20 minutes so i'm not the hardest worker. Signing up for a Valorant team is part of my dream to become a pro gamer. I have a growing passion for pro gaming but my schedule and setup can sometimes be a road block for me. I'm worried I might fail my team because i'm only 13 and still live with my parents so my schedule is limited. My schedule usually changes everyday but I will never be available from 3PM-3:30PM or 7:00PM-9:00AM and 12:30PM-1:30PM. I am willing to be a hard worker and contribute to my team by practicing everyday. I play on a laptop so my performance might be limited but I will work hard to fill in that gap and be on an even playing field with my team. I am very competitive and tend to work better in groups, I also push myself and work faster and harder when I have competition around my level. When playing Valorant and communicating i'm still new to callouts and I tend to have background noises. I tend to lack in performance due to pressure very easily, and I am quick to blame myself for losing which I am still trying to fix.


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