

Matthew Vu | 24 ans

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My ambition towards gaming is a strong passionate role. I would love to get my name out there and show the world what I got and share my skills and assets with others. I want to be a team player and to grow as a competitive gamer and we all have to start from somewhere. Would love for opportunities like this to be my stepping stone towards success and greatness!

Experiences online

  • Computer Science Major
  • Computer Programmer
  • Pc Builder and Analyzer

Experiences offline

  • Tennis Player
  • Swimmer


I am Currently a Gold 1 Valorant player that plays repetitively almost every day for a few hours and finished in gold 2 the last act. I play competitive a lot as well and on my other account as well it is about to hit gold as well. So I would consider myself a strong gold Valorant player. My past experiences when playing games are Counter Strike G.O for the last few years, Call of Duty ever since the original Black Ops, as well as other shooters such as Gears of War and Halo. I used to play smash brother in many local town tournaments and won as my main was Little Mac and Roy/Marth. When it comes to my specific role when playing Valorant I am very strong as a sentinel, specifically Cypher. When it comes to playing as a duelist I am also as well strong as a Phoenix and Yoru. Usually when I play competitive as Cypher I am very dominant with my trip wires and a strong team player. The most important part that I strongly take into consideration is great team communication and strong positivity. Would love to apply my skills and assets to Valorant on a team and grow more as a gamer as I compete as well. Thank you!


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