
Want Some Kimchi

Jonah | 22 ans

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Become a NA Valorant Pro Player

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Hi there!

I am a 19 year old gamer that is currently seeking to join a competitive NA Valorant team! I have been playing Valorant for a while now and I have gotten to a stage I consider myself viable for competitive play. I am based in California.

I am currently an Immortal Rank in the game (peak 213rr in Ep 2 Act 3).

I primarily play the support role, my mains being predominantly Killjoy and Astra. However, I believe I can also step into an IGL/Entry role if needed to as I have the mechanics and leadership to be flexible in all aspects. I think what I can bring to the table the most are my communication skills and leadership skills.

I do not have any experience with the eSports scene, but I would like to change that! I am extremely eager to learn and grow as a player.
Prior to Valorant I have 2.5k hours in CSGO with my top rank of LEM.

(Also a side note, I have achieved my stats to date only using a laptop if that makes a difference. I am hoping to build/buy myself a pc/monitor/keyboard this upcoming summer! So consider my current stats in game to be a baseline for what I can achieve).


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