

Wajid | 21 ans

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Professional Experience:

Played hundreds of competitive matches, showcasing expertise in both entry fragging and sniper roles.
Mastered various agents, including Jett and Raze, to effectively carry out aggressive entry strategies.
Demonstrated precision and sharpshooting skills with operators, such as the Operator and Marshall.

Hopefully, we can either scrim or something cause, I don't have time to make it up to higher ranks but I have out aimed out dueled higher ranks like immo or asc.

Entry Fragging: Possess an aggressive playstyle with quick decision-making, enabling me to initiate successful attacks and secure early advantages for the team.
Sniper Precision: Adept at long-range engagements with precise aim and flick shots, contributing crucial picks and clutch moments.
Game Sense: Strong understanding of map control, rotations, and tactics, allowing me to anticipate opponents' movements and adapt accordingly.
Communication: Effective verbal and written communication skills, enabling clear and concise coordination with teammates during matches.
Adaptability: Quick to adapt to new strategies, agent meta, and team dynamics, ensuring flexibility in different gameplay scenarios.

Experiences online

  • Played Premiere Qualified for it, got 4th

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Dedicated and skilled Valorant player with a platinum rank and a passion for competitive gaming. Recognized for exceptional entry fragging and sniper abilities, I am seeking an opportunity to join a professional team where I can contribute my skills and grow as a player. With a strategic mindset and a commitment to constant improvement, I am ready to excel in the competitive Valorant scene.


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