

John | 21 ans

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To be able to make a living out of playing games professionally because nothing beats waking up in the morning and say to yourself "oh yeah, I'm living the dream" and then continue with life while being proud of yourself.

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I'm currently playing Valorant right now but not just playing, I am learning and practicing 24/7 to improve my skills and my self. I'm currently gold 1 in my rank right now but don't let that fool you, for I have practiced these last months on different account and I can say that my skills right now are like a diamond or an immortal player. I will continue to improve my self until i can either destroy professional players or compete with them, there is no in between for I am optimistic about my skills and always thinking of improving and victory. You might think that this is my ego that is speaking, but that's where you're wrong because I'm a player who realize his place in this world. I may sometimes talk trash or mald or whatever but I believe everyone does that but the most important thing is to not stress yourself and just potentially learn or have fun because at the end of the day its just a game and were just players who make the most of it. I really hope some team will manage me financially because you know we all got to make a living out of something and I have decided that I want to make a living by playing and competing games professionally. That would honestly be a dream come true because imagine I'm doing what I love and earning money from it, there is no better option for me. Of course I can study I mean I got good grades at school like I'm getting those honors but I'm gonna listen to my passion and do what makes me put a smile on my face. But don't get me wrong I'm currently enrolled in a school right now and I'm planning to be a programmer but! if the time comes where someone calls me and say "hey you wanna play for my team? I can give you a decent salary :)" I would not hesitate to drop my school and walk the right path. Also last thing, I'm exercising, eating healthy, drinking water, and I'm not sure but I think I'm sleeping correctly :v so don't worry about my health (well not that you're obligated to but anyways).

PS: I will wait for months or even years until someone is interested. Until then, I will keep improving myself. If you're reading this, I'm a different person now


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