

Yuma | 29 ans

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- Become a better, smarter player
- Be a part of a team that I enjoy playing with and have the same drive that I do to improve

Experiences online

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26/M/NA East. Very flexible schedule.

Looking for a team, or just regulars to stack with at my skill level and improve.

Been anywhere from Gold 2 - Diamond 1. All my accounts I place solo place between Plat 1 - Plat 3. Haven't played too much ranked tbh since I don't particularly enjoy solo queueing. I'd rather scrim or play as a stack, but all of my current friends are silver/gold so it's tough to improve. I understand the amount of teamwork that can be created with all of the utilities and would love to play on a team where things like that can be practiced and also improving individually and as a team.

Valorant Exp:
No team experience, just been playing casually unrated/ranked, but looking for a team environment to improve with. Mained Cypher for the first 3 months the game came out, have been playing raze for the last month. I'm pretty flexible and willing to play whatever role fits me and the team the best. I believe that I have decent game sense having played COD4 promod and CS for 5k+ hrs, but also having combined utility usage considerations from overwatch experience.

Other Experience:
I played on several teams in COD4 Promod at a decently high level for about 3-4 years (CEVO & ESL) and some Black Ops 2 at one point competitively when it first came out, but understand the team environment and leagues/scrimming/tourneys, etc. Over 5k hours put in. I really enjoyed stratting this game at the high level and was IGL for some of my last teams I played on.

1k+ hrs between CS:S/GO, just in game matchmaking or ESEA. Couldn't tell you what rank I was tbh, it's been years.

Past few years I've just been casually playing Overwatch casually with friends. Only got up to diamond in comp, didn't play too much comp though.


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