
Team Arcane Fox

Apex Legends | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

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We are a relatively new organization which means we have ambitions to grow and to help grow our members as well.
We want not only our name to be known in the world of Esports but we want to take it by storm and I believe we can do so with the right dedicated people.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Team Arcane Fox is a relatively new organization started with many members with extensive experience in the world of Esports. We are looking for driven and skilled players to grow with us as a big family. I myself am the North American manager and I will be actively recruiting on
this website for said players and/or teams. the atmosphere in the org is the one you would expect at home, we thrive on respect, equal opportunity, hard work and togetherness. To give a few examples of things that will be available for you as a member, we have a wellness team for those times where a person needs help with their mental health, we have many managers ready to coach, help with strats, help with clip reviews and more.
For anyone that is interested and has question you can contact me directly on discord @ Beardedviking-_-#2597. It should take me no time to answer but please be patient as sometimes it can take a day or so. I would also like to mention that I am recruiting for USA , Canada and EU. and that not only for Esports but we also have a content creation branch that some of you might be interested if you hit our pre requisite.

Hope to hear from you soon.


  • Have experience in the Competitive scene
  • Proof of rank
  • Be over the age of 18 years old
  • Be dedicated


  • We have a few incoming soon.

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