
Sector 7 Esports Apex Legends Competitive Team

Apex Legends | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

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Sector 7 Esports Apex Legends Competitive Team logo
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~Sector 7 Esports~

We are currently recruiting for competitive Apex Legends positions. We are looking to run tournaments every other weekend then eventually every weekend. We are looking for dedicated players who want to be a part of a family of like minded gamers. Everything we try to do is beneficial to our players. This is a contracted position which will be discussed during the interview. We do expect that our players sign the contract and code of conducts if they want to be a part of the organization. If you have any questions pertaining to these documents then please ask. They aren't as scary as they sound!

Why join Sector 7?
Our philosophy is based on a non toxic gaming community. We plan on helping our players take their game to a level only they can dream of. So if your trying to better your game and possibly turn this into a career then take a chance on us.

If you are interested please contact us for more information on how to join Sector 7 Esports.

Thank you,
Sector 7 Founder/Owner


  • Apex Legends experience 1 year
  • Able to work well with a team
  • Sign a contract and code of conducts


  • https://www.hover.gg Code: 5KVSFZ at signup.

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