
BoVac Nation

Apex Legends | PS4 | États-Unis

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Best console team on scene

Experiences online

  • Our Rocket League team reached supersonic in 2020

Experiences offline

  • 6 live events


Looking for the best Apex (PS4) team out there. Due to the majority of top players being on PC and the new consoles. We have an opportunity to take advantage of the Apex competitive league allowing console players to enter. We will be the only top team on ps4 (Big fish in a small pond idea). Once the team has been established as the superior ps4 console team, we will be given a free league spot and an opportunity to make a name for yourself. It is an exploitative strategy that will take commitment to the process. If you believe you can be a pro, this is a fast track to being noticed by larger organization. We as a brand have connections to multiple esports competitive scenes such as Rocket League, CoD and now Apex. We will soon be picking up sponsorships as well as investments to provide all financial needs such as league fees, hotels, planes and pc requirements! We are recruiting in multiple ways, If you want an chance to try out, get in contact ASAP. Thank you!


  • Must be able to practice at regular times during the week
  • Must be able to travel w/ or w/o a guardian
  • Must be able to access discord


  • Cinch Gaming

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