
digital habitat

Apex Legends | PC | États-Unis

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Digital Habitat's ambitions are the following:

➡️ Be the Definition of Perfection

➡️ Have good team chemistry

➡️ Have good team building

➡️ Grow and surpass OpTic, Faze, TSM, etc

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Brand new gaming org!! Looking for motivated people who want to make dreams of being a full time gamer a reality! Extremely committed to this org and I've already started investing my own money into buying logos and building multiple social medias, email, and a website. Working on getting merch for all the teams but that time will come soon! also in contact with getting sponsors for our org as well. We have prior experience leading a team of individuals to money tournaments. Looking for committed players If you feel like this is for you apply and lets get this started! Digital Habitat's goals are to learn zone rotations, rotate at the right time, make it to the ALGS, put DH's imprint on every tournament, build chemistry with all teammates and org members, make money, and also give back to the community.

We are striving to be the best in every way shape and form.

currently looking for:
A good support player, minimum high diamond or masters. Be respectful, committed and willing to put in the time to improve.


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  • non spécifié(s)

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