

Apex Legends | PC | États-Unis

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Experiences online

  • Need to be able to communicate verbally.

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


I want to create a team of players who believe they are better and know they are better but just keep getting brought down by Randoms, I want to create a company with this team to insure that people who want to puruse Pro-league have a place to grow with a team that is of equal skill as them, not only ranking up in game but also has the ability to play in tournaments to make a bit of cash while getting better at what they do. I want to be able to lead these people to something great and I want these people to help each other be better. I want to create a company that will try there hardest to push there dreams to become reality and not just waste away on an a idea they think can only push to far.


  • Middle plat with at least a .9 K/D


  • non spécifié(s)

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