

Apex Legends | PC | États-Unis

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We are looking to become Pros and we have a long way to go. We ask for dedication and to keep waiting because all good things come in time

Experiences online

  • First Person Shooters
  • Teamwork
  • Multi-Platform play

Experiences offline

  • Graphic Design
  • Management of People
  • Advertisement
  • Google Sheets/Doc
  • Steaming


We are looking to become the best. Regardless of the game and the struggle. Mostly an Xbox group, we are looking for members to be consistent and to continuously show us you are the best. The better you are the more likely you will be promoted the less you play the more you are endanger of getting demoted and kicked. Stay up, Play hard, and Keep it Spicy!

Must play one or more Games on this Game list:
League of Legends
Apex Legends
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
Player Unknown Battle Grounds

We don't have a limit in members and welcome people who are looking to hone there skills in a team setting just as we require the most from you we also understand you will bring something to the table that will help us improve. We are a diverse group of players and welcome people who don't play the games on the list we will gladly add it to the list if you can gain a following. We are small now but we are going to improve and we will end up in the light so join us on the journey thanks and hopefully you join us soon.

Please know we are starting out this will be a slow process so don't expect to come in and go into E-Sports soon we will need to advertise and do the most to get us there. Thank you for understanding .


  • PC, Xbox, and PlayStation Systems (we don't care we are making teams on those platforms and that will be that, we don't care which platform is better we care on how good you are)


  • non spécifié(s)

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