

Apex Legends | XBOX ONE | États-Unis

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My goal is to become deeply familiar with the business side of eSports, and to bring a few players along for the ride, and ultimately to have a revenue stream for all of us within two years. No idea if it's possible, but you can only succeed by trying!

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


I'm an Xbox One focused gamer interested in building a semi-pro Apex Predator eTeam. My interests are in growing the team, and will not personally be competing -- although I am a huge fan of Apex as well as Titanfall and Titanfall 2 and can be a part of practice sessions if needed.

Currently seeking four (4) Apex players to form the team's foundation.

Your skills are less important than your interest and ongoing commitment, reliability, and professionalism. Ideally you are very interested in eSports, but equally inexperienced as I am, and share a passion for Xbox One console gaming and strong interest in learning the business side of eSports from direct participation.

My preference is for you to be geolocated within 40 miles of San Francisco, CA, and to commit to practicing, streaming, and competing at least 10 hours/week.

This is semi-professional arrangement. I will be sponsoring you with some combination of cash and equipment, with the specifics to be determined through additional discussions. You will certainly NOT earn enough to pay rent and bills initially, hence this being a semi-pro arrangement. (But I would love for us to grow together to get there over time.)


  • Demonstrated experience playing Apex Legends on Xbox One and interest in eSports as a business.


  • non spécifié(s)

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