
[IOA] Soldiers Platoon

Battlefield V | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

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[IOA] Soldiers Platoon logo
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offre de recrutement
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Experiences online

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Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


I am currently looking for Platoon Staff, and community staff for this platoon:

[Community Staff]

Moderation Team- In charge of making sure Discord TOS is being followed as well as IOA rules are being followed.

Streaming Team- Streams on a streaming platform bringing awareness to the community and promoting the community when necessary.

Recruitment Team- Recruits for the entire community; all platforms, platoons,etc.

Community Events- In charge of hosting and setting up Events for the community/ platforms/ regional, etc

Social Media Team- Manages all clan Social Media pages. Posting at least once a day, replying to comments, etc.

Bot Support- In charge of adding bots, maintaining bots, or removing bots that aren't used.

Trainers In charge of making sure whoever wants to get better at a game has the opportunity to do so by joining a training session with a trainer; trainers can also work closely with the Competitive side to hold training outside of practices for those people the Comp Director decides needs more help in certain aspects (i.e; callouts, right side, left side, etc)

Design Team- Works directly with the social media team and the recruiters to make banners, pfp, ads, etc

[Platoon Staff]

Sergeant Major- Highest ranked member of the platoon, fully responsible for the platoon, Can promote members to Sgt (ranks past this MUST be discussed with Leadership first.) Must welcome all new members of their platoon, Must carry out disciplinary action if necessary and within reason. Must host one platoon meeting and platoon staff meeting per week, Must attend a meeting with Company Staff every 2 weeks, Must host 1 of any event per week. Must be active in the chats and in events, Must be able to commit the time required of this rank.

Master Gunnery Sergeant- Expected to assist Sergeant Major with tasks, Expected to lead the platoon in absence of the Sergeant Major, Must attend all Platoon meeting and take notes as well as post those notes for all who did not make it, Must be able to diffuse any Platoon conflicts, Must host 1 event per week, There is only 1 MGS per platoon. If a platoon split occurs they will become the Sergeant Major of the new platoon, Must b active in the chats and events, Must be able to commit the time required for this rank.

1st Sergeant- Expected to assist MGS with tasks, Must welcome all new members to the platoon, Must be able to help in diffusing platoon conflicts, Must host 1 event per week, If a Platoon Split occurs they will become the MGS for the new platoon. Must be active in the chats and events, Must be able to commit the time required of this rank.

Master Sergeant- Must monitor all lower rank progression toward ranking up to aid the Sergeant Major on who to promote. Must attend all Platoon meetings and know how to deal with minor platoon issues, Required to host 1 Gamenight per week. There are 3 Master Sergeants per platoon. Must be active in the chats and events. Must be able to commit the time required of this rank.


  • 16 or older
  • Working Mic
  • Discord Account
  • Not in any other communities/clans/teams


  • non spécifié(s)

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