
Team Xplicit

Call Of Duty 4 | PS4 | États-Unis

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Overall goal of this Organization is to grow and be able to support our players; not only that but provided content that everyone wants to see from us. We are looking to build the best and most serious team we can. We are on track to make this Org into the next big thing and they members we are surrounding ourselves with are like minded.
At the end of the day we want to be the best and aspire to bring every member up with us. This is family, a brotherhood, a team that will only seek to be the best it can be.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Team Xplicit is an up and coming gaming organization established in 2019. Our goal is to grow and reach as many people as we can in this industry with not only our style of play but to show our commitment to providing everyone with top notch content. We are also dedicated to creating a great atmosphere for our players and empowering them to exceed past their own limits and spur outstanding performances while partaking in the tournaments in the league.

More than just a competitive Professional eSports Organization, Team Xplicit is a community of professional gamers and esports fans. What began as a group of friends competing online evolved into a Professional eSports Organization with the support of reputable sponsors and affiliated **** coming from diverse backgrounds, the players of Team Xplicit are driven by common pursuits; a passion for gaming, a thirst for competition and a desire to share our excitement and experiences. Contact us today to learn more.

Getting the team into the pro league is the goal. So serious players are wanted.

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Discord: ****
Admin Discord: ****
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Instagram: ****


  • No Toxicity
  • Team Player


  • non spécifié(s)

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