
Akimbo Gaming Organization

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 | PS4 | États-Unis

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The Akimbo Gaming Organization is a well established organization reaching its fourth year of activity. Previously the organization has been a solely an eSports and tournament organizing ****, the successful eSports organization is now as of 2019 branching off into content creation and social media. We hope to hire experienced members that may help the organization prosper in the future.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


The Akimbo Gaming Organization is currently looking for staff members to help grow and support or organization so that the organization may reach its full potential. Staff positions include: Chief Development Officer, Business Officer, Financial Officer, Human Resources Officer, and Public Relations Officer. Staff positions with an emphasis on gaming include Training Officer, Recruitment Officer, and Chief Gaming Officer. In addition we are looking for streamers and YouTude Content Creators.


  • Must be at least 17 Years of age.
  • Must be responsible, mature, and dedicated.
  • Must be able to work both self-sufficiently as well as with a team.
  • If you are a player, you must be skilled in the game.
  • Experience STRONGLY preferred.
  • Preferably in the United States


  • Fatal Grips and G2A

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