
3 Peak Gaming

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

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Hey guys,

Have you ever wanted to take your competitive skills to the next level? Proceeding into 2019, the gaming culture will continue to increase rapidly, and we want to be apart of that. January 3rd, 2019, 3 Peak Gaming will introduce themselves as a new eSports **** aim to appropriately set achievements, and earn rewards as we reign. We DO NOT look at kill/death ratios when it comes to finding the players we need. We look at EXPERIENCE!

Call of Duty, Fortnite, Rainbow 6 Siege, Gears of War, and League of Legends are just a few select games we tend to enroll our teams, and we want EVERY free agent to take into consideration of the benefits of a brand new start for gaming.

We are looking for Coaches, Social Media Experts, Managers, and all proposal staff as we continue!

Are you ready for the climb? Apply ****/3peakgg !

(We have a website that is currently under construction. Upon that, we are, also, looking for a webmaster! Our official website is 3peakgaming.com . Be sure to list it in the **** you,

Octavious Wright

3 Peak Management


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