
RooL Gaming

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 | PS4 | États-Unis

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Make it to the Pro League!

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Are you putting in maximum effort, trying to break into the competitive gaming scene, but are having no luck? Do you have a passion for competitive play, along with the skill to back it up, but are being met with nothing but closed doors and empty promises? Do you feel as though the keys to your future lay within the professional gaming scene, but are unsure how to break into the industry? RooL Gaming can help cultivate, and guide your future in the Esports world. We are a team comprised of REAL gamers, with REAL passion and dedication to gaming together to achieve the ultimate goal: Success within the Esports industry. Perhaps you are new to the gaming scene, and unsure if your skill level is up to par. RooL Gaming can help you train, and hone your skills both individually and in a team setting. Interested? Join RooL Gaming today!


  • Be didicated
  • Passionate for the game
  • Willing to grind


  • non spécifié(s)

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