
Pivotal Trip

Call of Duty: Cold War | PC | États-Unis

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We intend to help our competitive teams improve enough to attend LANs when COVID is over.

We want to have a ton of quality content creators and players that feel at home within our community.

Experiences online

  • Competitive teams have played in tournaments and leagues
  • We have members who create youtube videos and stream

Experiences offline

  • Our owners have extensive managerial experience
  • Staff members are all trained to ensure the best experiences possible


Hi everyone!

We are Pivotal Trip.

We're an eSports organization who was founded in late 2020.

Our goal here is to make sure each and every one of our members has the tools and resources needed to succeed in whichever avenue they choose to pursue.

Our organization currently has 2 full rosters for CoD: CW and one ALMOST full roster for Apex Legends. We're wanting to fill that Apex team, and then bring on a handful of really amazing content creators.

We offer small streamer help (not directly getting viewers or followers) but help optimizing your stream, and helping you improve to in turn accelerate your growth!

We will have merch here soon as well.

Our community is solely family-driven and we encourage every member to not only be a part of our organization, but be a part of our community.


  • 18+
  • Able to read and agree to our team rules and regulations


  • non spécifié(s)

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