
WA Perth based team

Call of Duty: Cold War | PS5 | Australie

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WA Perth based team logo
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To create the top Oceanic based COD team for future Esports and tournaments as well as increasing our players and teams status in areas such as media presence, Twitch, YouTube, and the overall competitive gaming scene.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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We are a aspiring West Australian based Perth upcoming Esports team with high ambitions and goals to put ourselves as the prominent and first WA Perth Esports team to make a name for themselves, due to this we are only recruiting top players for COD cold war and COD MF3 so if you are looking for an Oceanic team to get into early before reservations and spots become scarce please consider joining and trying out for spots. We aim to regularly enter and outperform in tournament's as to craft a name in the competitive community as quickly as possible. If this intrigues you then by all means get in contact ASAP. We look forward to building and advancing players dreams and skills in the competitive COD scene.


  • Must pass leaders (Axle) judgement in a skill based match (please note they are top 5% in Cold War)
  • Preferably in the Australian region due to tournaments time scheduling
  • Must be over 13 and under 30
  • Must be in (minimum Top 30% for Cold War)


  • non spécifié(s)

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