

Call of Duty Mobile | MOBILE | Inde

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1. Sqaud will select a single place for landing and all squad members will land at the same location by following the leader
2. They will communicate through voice chat always during gameplay
3. Avoid all background noise and disruptions while in voice chat
4. Whenever a squad member falls the whole team will focus on recovering the fallen member
5. The whole team will focus on improving their abilities by upgrading their chip by heading to a nearby chip terminal.
6. Their next focus would be to collect nearest air drops
7. Each member will be assigned with different duties in each play
8. Maintain respect for other squad members

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Need team members for CoD "teamplay"
I am from India. Tired of random people in my team who just wander around on their own and don't care to work as team in gameplay. Only on very rare occasions i get team members who stick together and work together as a team. I don't know why these guys are opting to play as a squad. They can opt for single play. I am fed up of this and wish to recruit team members who think the same way and want a dream team of thir own who will play by rules.


  • Every member should follow team leader and land at same location
  • Always maintain teamspirit
  • No foul languages or verbal abuse among team members
  • All criterias listed above in ambitions


  • non spécifié(s)

Aucune offre de recrutement active

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