
Onslaught Gaming NA

Call Of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 | PS5 | États-Unis

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Onslaught Gaming NA logo
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To become a well respected team and make ourselves reputable within Call Of Duty whilst hopefully win tournaments together and make profit doing so.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Onslaught Gaming NA is a North American team based upon competitive Call Of Duty players looking to gain reputable knowledge and skills to improve on themselves as players but as a team.

Any player wishing to tryout or join the team will be given the opportunity to do so and most will be accepted, though whether you play on a main team or not is dependent on skill.

Players that are accepted to the team but are lacking in areas such as team play, communication, callouts, or simple aiming difficulties will be substitutes and will be trained and assessed until a decision is made by the entire team or by higher ranking member such as team leader.

Team leader will be assigned by the team owner depending on who his most team orientated and skilled in communication as a whole.

Onslaught Gaming NA will accept trash talk and disagreements but has no toleration for outright disrespect, bigotry, or derogatory behavior.

This is a duplicate of my lost Gmail account 325232523252325a I have also lost the team logo except the one on seek team ill still call Google to try and retrieve the white and black background of the original logo.


  • 16+ Years


  • non spécifié(s)

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