
Team Kamikaze

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

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We want our team members to improve their game play individually and as a team. We want to be able to coordinate with each other and make the necessary call outs so we want to improve on communication as well. But we also want to have a chill community and keep all the toxicity out and respect each other. But we also want to put each other before the game. An acronym I like to use is FB4F, or friends before finals. Meaning that we put our members first and the game comes second. We're kinda like a family with how much we take care of each other before we take care of the game.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Team Kamikaze is a team where we play not just to win but to also have fun and grow as a team. We are very active in the discord server and it is where we often meet up for scheduled practices and tournament things as well. We'd love to have you as part of the team! There are two teams to the Cod side of things. NAE (North American Eastern) and NAW (North American West). Once you join the server, dm myself if youre NAE and dm the other team leader if youre NAW! Please consider joining! We'd love to have you!!


  • .95 KD or Higher
  • Good Communication Skills
  • Fluent English
  • Non toxic
  • At least 15 years or older
  • Good Game Sense
  • Be active


  • https://triumphchairs.com/
  • https://buds-gaming.com/?sca_ref=106782.riwEUrKkRK
  • https://www.xidax.com/
  • https://rogueenergy.com/?rfsn=3789192.8fe626&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=3789192.8fe626
  • https://fatalgrips.com/

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