
Swarm COD Team

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare | PC | Allemagne

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Dominate the esports industry, of course.
Establish a easy to communicate with team with fast problem solving.
Get that 360 no scope :)

Experiences online

  • Management with past team experience
  • Stunning graphic designers and editors

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


My inspirations is to gather the sharpest individuals, combine them with highly experienced managers and coaches and create a one of a kind high-tier team. You see, most of the teams nowadays have the greatest disadvantage. They always think short-term. Always heading for the first cash prize they see without the needed training and mindset. In this team I would like to base everything off teamwork. Everyone will know what stage the other person is in and what they are doing, what challenge they are struggling with, so that we can more easily help solve it. There may not be much to offer at this part of our growing as a team, but you are highly dedicated and can think into the longer plan, I am sure we would be the place for you.


  • Fast thinking and smart decision making
  • A minimum of 16 years of age


  • non spécifié(s)

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