
Tactical Gaming (TG)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare | MULTIPLATFORM | Royaume-Uni

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To bring more awesome people into our growing division

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Looking for a clan/community?

About TG
Tactical Gaming (TG) was created in November 2004 to bring together like-minded gamers from around the globe and from multiple platforms (consoles, PC & mobile), to provide them Head Quarters (web site) where they can share their backgrounds, experience, and interests in teamwork and tactics, as well as providing them with an environment that allows a “friends-first” experience in the online community.

Why Join Tactical Gaming (TG)?
Our experience has shown the average life expectancy of a common clan is about 3 to 6 months. Our community has been around since 2004 with members from around the world and our structure will allow us to expand if/when the need arises.

Like-Minded Gamers
Tactical Gaming is not for everyone and the different phases of our recruiting process enable us to find like-minded gamers.

Active Gamers
Tactical Gaming consists of active gamers by having mandatory and optional practices. Bare in mind, we have a “real life first” mindset.

Different Type of Gamers
We have found there are 3 main types of gamers (intro, casual and competitive) and our structure allows us to satisfy each type by grouping them with similar gamers.

Different Platforms
With the notion that so many people share the common passion for video games, part of our mission is to bring together like-minded gamers from multiple platforms (XBOX, PlayStation, PC, and Mobile) bringing down the barriers between platforms.

Different Genres
We aim to satisfy our member’s needs for team-based gaming by having two franchises.

Our Tactical Warfare franchise is for:

First/third-person shooters
Massively Multiplayer first/third-person shooters
Warfare based simulators and more

Our Tactical Adventuress franchise is for:

Turn-based and other based strategy games
Role-playing games
Non-shooter Massively Multiplayer (MMO) games
Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games and more

Visit each franchise’s roster for a list of our supported games.

We value each and every member. Whether you show great practice/match attendance or show other qualities such as good conduct, dedication, leadership, teamwork, tactics, and performance on and off the field, our attendance points system and our awards (medals & badges) are there to give recognition to those who have earned it.

Web Team
Our large member base keeps us on our toes by asking for new features and coming up with exciting new ideas. This is where our Web Team comes in. We have a full staff of talented developers and digital media personnel that work daily on projects to keep our sites on the cutting edge of the gaming community.

Feel free to message me or post here for any further questions.


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