
Layed Back Gaming

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

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For everyone to enjoy the game and have fun playing with friends the know instead having to join randoms.

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Layed Back Gaming is a community that is involved within a variety of gaming platforms which includes PS4, Xbox, PC and soon PS5 and the Xbox Series X. We focus mainly on casual gaming. We are not competitive, or anything like that. So this community may not be for you, if you are looking to join a pro league team.
We're very Layed back as we don't take things too seriously, get hot headed because we didn't come in first this time etc. Layed Back Gaming was established on August 31, 2020 so that gamer's can interact with each other from different parts of the world.
We are open to all who have a Layed Back Gaming attitude and who are here to have fun.
There is no applications required to join, no tryouts or no minimum playtime requirements as we understand that EVERYONE is new at some point. The best players didn't come in as the #1 players. Everyone has to start somewhere and why not here.
Also we understand that everyone has a busy life, even if it's just playing games :0). So we are willing to move happy hour around with a vote to see where it best fits everyone. Right now it will be from 4PM to 6PM Eastern time.
We do ask that you are 16+ years of age. Right now we are only a community who speaks English, butt everyone is welcome. We're run by the players, for the players. So we're always looking for opinions and suggestions to improve the community.
Headphones and a mic is a must though, I understand equipment doesn't always work. My Razor headphones have stopped working several times and im without for a few days to a week, so I understand.


  • To Have Fun


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