

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare | PC | France

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Experiences online

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Welcome to WRAHEsports

WRAHEsports was established on 20th March 2014. known as Wasps Gaming with our aim to fund teams into Call of duty and counter strike online Leagues and getting top placements in respective games and Leagues with placing 2nd Place in RDYUP and getting 3rd place in Call of duty VALHQ League,

Our aim going forward in 2021 is to create content with our players and create a series based around our online Leagues that allows you the fans to follow our teams journey in online Leagues.

During the 2021 season, WRAH claimed 1st place in the MCA Spring championship, and one week later WRAH claimed 4th place in VAL Call of duty League!

During the 2022 season, WRAH Picked up a CS;GO, team, that consists of tua,Hashlamon,biss,JacksoN195,hmzy,c0xy-, After many seasons of WRAH picking up teams and coming up short in terms of getting ESEA open playoffs, But this time we hit the Golden ticket and made ESEA Open playoffs with a record of 8-4 #WeAreWRAH

WRDCLE, part of WRAHEsports organization is looking for teams and players to join and play in WRDCL S1 open bracket,

- We offer a good admin team
- £150 prize pool will be on the line for S1
- Games (some) will be live-streamed on our twitch channel.
-We are looking for teams and players to join WRDCL S1 open bracket.


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Vous pouvez attendre la prochaine campagne de recrutement de cette équipe ou alors devenir premium afin de postuler en "liste d'attente". L'équipe sera alors notifiée de votre fort interêt pour la rejoindre.

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