
PNX Legends

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare | PS4 | États-Unis

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Continue to grow as a competitive team and compete in tournaments and events.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Okay we formed the organization in Feb 2019. With three founders. We have multiple streamers on Facebook and Twitch. We just competed in Hardcore domination event and took second against a very good org. We are looking for players that are wanting to join a family and will put in the time for practice and be dedicated to the team. I tell all of my players family, school come first. We are a family and are always there for each other. We will be competing in LAN events to compete in and will be competing in multiple events that will be for $2,000-$8,000 tournaments and there are equal splits of the team and jerseys will be provided. If you're interested in an active and competitive clan message us!


  • Must play in tryouts in order to join clan.


  • non spécifié(s)

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