
Blackout Gaming

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare | PC | États-Unis

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Blackout Gaming strives to do nothing more than become the very best in every game we branch into. We are no ordinary clan when it comes to our atmosphere; we do everything as a family and will grow together as one.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Blackout Gaming is well known for it's top tier performance, and family like atmosphere. We will stop at nothing to not only become the very best, but to one day hold the beautiful CWL trophy. We are seeking players with 3 key attributes...

1.) Someone that can preform at their very best in high pressure situations

2.) Someone who has *HIGH* communication skills during tournaments

3.) Someone who is ready to grow with The Blackout Family

We hope to see you soon, and can't wait to begin growing as one!


  • 1.) Someone that can preform at their very best in high pressure situations
  • 2.) Someone who has *HIGH* communication skills during tournaments
  • 3.) Someone who is ready to grow with The Blackout Family


  • non spécifié(s)

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