

Call Of Duty Vanguard | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

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Compete in, and win, some tournaments
Establish a prestigious eSports foundation
Make our players' dreams come true

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Tellant is a newly emerging company focusing on eSports, clothing, and video creation. Currently, Tellant competes in Smash, Fortnite, Rocket League, Apex Legends, and Rainbow Six Siege. We have incredible ambitions and plan to come out swinging and would love to have you by our side whilst we do so. Partnered currently with Glytch Energy, and founded in late 2021, Tellant hopes to make waves in the scene and provide a fulfilling adventure for all of our members.

What You Need To Join:
- Decent KD and experience playing CDL modes (with no issue heavily practicing/playing CDL modes/rulesets).
- Full commitment to the team, being active daily, and improving.
- No toxic behavior, raging, screaming comms, etc.
- Adaptability to every type of mode, weapon, and position.
- Incredible at positioning, calls, aiming, and have excellent game knowledge and map awareness.
- Ability to play in frequent tournaments (usually once a week, at least once biweekly).


  • Must be at least 18 years of age or older
  • Incredible positioning, calls, aiming, game knowledge, and map awareness
  • Active on the daily
  • Decent KD and experienced in CDL


  • Glytch Energy

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