
Michigan Ars3nal

Call Of Duty Vanguard | PS4 | États-Unis

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My visions for this team/org are sky high. I wanna bring a COD esports team from Michigan to the big leagues. I want to make the most dominate team there is by recruiting the best I can find that support my vision.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
-Winston Churchill-

Michigan Ars3nal is a new ORG starting out. We don't have any sponsors nor partners but I'm looking for at least 4 players 6 max. To fill out a perfect team.
I wanna spotlight my State of Michigan because I love this state and we berth some amazing people and Champs.
This state also was a manufacturing hotspot for ww2 (almost 11% of all the tanks were built here in Detroit)
That's why I made the name it is.
Right now I cannot pay any players but once things start rolling I promise I can help you out in anyway I can. I will handle all sales of products and team/org. I have management skills that exceed most. So I know how to manage a team and knowledge of management in money as well.


  • 18+
  • Must have a open mind


  • non spécifié(s)

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