

Call Of Duty Vanguard | XBOX SERIES X/Y | États-Unis

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We strive for growth, prosperity, and friendship over all!

Experiences online

  • Growth
  • Friendship
  • Respect

Experiences offline

  • Same As Online


Hi everyone I'm the Overseer of TheExoEmpire Exo Knight and welcome to our page to keep it short yet simple let my be the first say welcome I'm glad you picked our page to read we are a small but growing gaming community we treat everyone who joins as more family than gaming partner this way we all have a good experience when gaming and a person doesn't feel left out! We strive to become better with each passing day we play a wide variety of video games so don't feel like your left out just because you don't play alot of CoD. We want you to find your place here so we have implemented a perfect ranking system for just that it helps us be aware of who's active and who's and also allows you to become high up in the clan the harder you work so while not gaming your still growing with the clan in every way you can! But for now I must say I am hopeful you'll choose our community and make the choice that's right for you! Also before I go we do require Discord and like before we do require you to be as active as you can we understand that if you work or have school or are dealing with family matters we understand these are valid reasons and it happens to everyone we all gotta make a living and learn am I right!? Well for now this is goodbye 👋 and I hope to see you soon be safe and have a good rest of the year!


  • Active
  • Discord


  • Faded Grips

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