

Call Of Duty Vanguard | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

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Hello, we are interested in you joining our upcoming clan because we believe you are a trustworthy player. BulletProofGaming will be focused on performing in competitive tournaments, casual and competitive strategies, and ability to interact with high level players on the leaderboards.

We are looking for below average, average, and above average players to join our community, to have some fun, and to play competitley. Our goal is to pay our players to compete in tournaments, for casuals to meet other players and to improve their gameplay by utilizing strategic tools to enhance your performance. We plan on obtaining sponsorships that will provide our players with equipment, resources, and financial income.

Our goal is to improve your performance level by communicating with teammates for strategic planning, using reliable communication, and creating relationships.

We have players who will be on the top eliminations leaderboards and will be recognized in the MW2 community in the first month of the game. We have dedicated members who are committed to strive and be successful towards this leaderboard and to improve the performance for clan members. By achieving this leaderboard our clan will grow competitively in tournaments by obtaining sponsorships which will allow our players to be part of our community and have access to part of our relationship. The number of our members we currently have is 7-10 players where we continue to expand our community by showing people the fun experience in gaming and playing with other teammates.


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Vous pouvez attendre la prochaine campagne de recrutement de cette équipe ou alors devenir premium afin de postuler en "liste d'attente". L'équipe sera alors notifiée de votre fort interêt pour la rejoindre.

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