
Ghosted Trappers

Call of Duty: Warzone | XBOX ONE | Royaume-Uni

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Serious / friendly gaming community
Low stake to high stake wagers
Streaming on a chosen platform
(Streaming is mandatory on popular competitions and also proves no hackers have snuck in to the team, but this matters later )

Experiences online

  • Minimum warzone wins 25

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hi, I’m Dexter and I’m going to give you a rundown of why I am creating a new gaming team.

I, like many have played games all of my life, especially every single call of duty title. Have seen many many gaming teams compete in America growing up but was always told it wasn’t reality. I can see the money in gaming and I can also see there isn’t enough of us brits jumping on the wave.

My goal is to finally take gaming more seriously especially with the state of the world as it is right now. Grow a little community, enter competitions or do wagers, practice together and build chemistry in game and out of game ( in lobbies or parties or whatever )

Eventually I would like us to be streaming on twitch ( this will be my goal if you are playing with me anyway, to expect that )
I’m looking for a group of 6-8 people in total, so that way even if some people aren’t available, everybody should still be able to get practice time in. The group would have to be serious about progression just as I am, motivated to compete. Trials will be a must, a duo with me + a kill race with me ( who wins doesn’t matter, I’m just looking for skill and communication )


  • Friendly
  • Good coms
  • Decent at call of duty


  • non spécifié(s)

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