
Maz's Buncha Idiots

Call of Duty: Warzone | PC | Canada

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My name's Maz, I'm a play it slow and stealthy shot caller looking for semi-tryhard players. I ping everything I see, I share resources and pretty damn good with Pellington one taps.
Looking for some players of any specialty to add to my sweaty E-Sports team, I don't need you to be great, just a good teammate. I have a bad case of baby rage, I judge people's plays and yell out anything important 3 times. I like to have civil debates on occasion, although I hate politics and having to talk about them. I'm often AFK right until the plane loads up. If you can handle this or do this yourself, welcome.

I've been playing PC FPS' for a long time, hoping between Battlefield, Apex, Rainbow and the Metro series. There's some basics that I find are good to have: Don't stand still on a rooftop, Stick to cover, don't break the skyline, bushes are your friend, silencers save lives. Have some loadouts configured, I usually hit a drop once or twice a game. I have a few ranging from Stealth Snipers, Engineers (SMG/Launcher with Tune Up), Medic (Shotgun, Assault with Quick Fix), Support (LMG with Restock or Hardline) for example, but do whatever you're comfortable with.

Meet you out there.


  • 18+
  • Microphone
  • Can take a ton of crap


  • non spécifié(s)

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