
Valhalla Esports

Call of Duty: Warzone | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

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To create multiple multi-platform professionally competitive teams, driven by sponsorships to compete in major tournaments.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Valhalla Esports is a Discord based up-and-coming Official Esports organization focusing on supporting Content Creators, Competitive Gaming, and well as Digital Design artists.

Valhalla began as a idea between US Veteran competitive gamers/Content Creators to create an organization that allows streamers and gamers creative freedom, but also allowing competitive seeking individuals the opportunity to perform with support.

As members and staff of the Valhalla gaming community, we’re committed to supporting you in every way we can. We pride ourselves on being able to help with any questions, inquiries or issues you might have with a variety of games in every genre. You will not be forgotten about. Everyone, starting with staff will be here to help you grow, compete, and branch your content in any way your heart desires.

As we grow, so will you


  • 16 years of age or more


  • Killer Jerky
  • Glytch Energy
  • Fatal Grips
  • G Fuel
  • Roccat

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