

Call of Duty: World War II | PS4 | Royaume-Uni

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offre de recrutement
Réputation basée sur 1 vote


You have to be willing to improve both as an individual and as a team. In other words, focus on improving and becoming successfull. We want to get on a higher level of skill. That is our goal. Eventually turn pro in the end. That is why we need passionate players who are willing to put in time and effort and who are willing to work in a team. Does this sound like you? Contact us! Submit your resume.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hey there,

We are an amateur eSports organisation who thrive to get better at what we do. It is our passion. Privileged was created to bring players, streamers, and other people who have a passion together to make a family that supports each other. The name Privileged came from a thought of people being born with the privilege ( right ) to be successful. Privileged meaning " having special rights ".

We have multiple teams: Overwatch, Fortnite, a Streamers team and a GFX team. We are still recruiting members. Submit your resume if interested. However, this team on SeekTeam was created for COD since we do not have a COD team. This is a brand new time.


  • - No experience required but preferred
  • - Specific choice: AR, SMG, Flex,...
  • - Specific choice: Slayer, Support, OBJ, Anchor


  • http://insanelabz.com/
  • https://www.cinchgaming.com/dev/
  • http://www.luistrikz.com/

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