
Clan Imidazole

Clash of Clans | MOBILE | États-Unis

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To become a high level war clan.

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Clan Name: Clan Imidazole

Clan Tag: #2LLRCQ2YQ

Chat Language: English (Leader Speaks Hindi as well)

Clan Level: Level 5 (As of 4 July)

CWL League: Gold 2 (As of July)

Hi,I am posting this as I am expecting some serious active players to join our clan.Currently we have 4 Co-Leaders who are active a lot and participate in all Wars, Games and CWL. We also have several Elders which indicate that they are relatively new to our clan and seem to donate actively or participate in Wars and stuff.

The Leader is a TH 10 in Legends League. We have nearly 20 active players who donate often.

Recently We Recruited a Player having a TH 13 main account (lvl 4 edrags and frequent donator) he also has 4 more accounts in our clan, all 4 are TH11.

We keep a check on the members to see their activity and regularly kick out inactive players after each war (or after alternate wars).

Minimum requirements for Clanmates is TH 9 and 1000 Trophies. Looking Forward to meet Strong and Active players to help our Clan grow.

The leader is 18 year old (as of 2021) and one of the Co-Leader is 20 year old, we are looking for mature clanmates but even if you are young if you we will guide you through the wars and CWL

In clan wars and in general we donate level 4 edrags to everyone and high level dragons, balloons and whatever you need.

We take wars very seriously, wars participation is the only requirement to be a part of our clan.

We always complete all tiers of clan games.

To Enter our clan, Send a request within the game to our clan or post your Player tag in this thread and we will send an invite shortly

All the Best ? !


  • Town Hall 9 and Above
  • Minimum 1000 Trophies in Your Main Account


  • non spécifié(s)

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