
Aphelion eSports

Clash of Clans | MOBILE | États-Unis

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Aphelion eSports (AE) is a Multi-Platform Gaming and Esports organization as well as a multi-faceted Brand working to change the way people within the space think and act for the sake of positive progression. AE was officially started on August 10th, 2019. We at AE build, develop, and field competitive esports teams in a wide variety of games, while also building communities to encompass all levels of play in each game from casual to competitive. In combination with that we design and run unique tournaments, events, and leagues that aim to always bring a competitive edge to game-play and test all levels of a players abilities. We are also always focused on content creation that aims to provide enjoyment of ones time, and also inspires our followers to behave and evolve to the highest level that they can be at. Our mission is to enhance all aspects of the gaming environment for our communities, while also promoting self-accountability, respectful behavior, and positive personal growth. Our goal is to forge career paths in the field of gaming for both ourselves and all those that we work with.


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