
Team Skeptic

Counter-Strike 2 | PC | États-Unis

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To grow a following around the team and the members and fulfill or dreams of growing our name and possibly making money from gaming

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hey I'm Xan the owner and founder of Team Skeptic. Team skeptic is a content creation gaming team. As of right now we are only focusing on CS:GO and Fortnite but hope to expand soon. This is a very new thing to me so I am learning as I go. We currently don't have any members other than myself since I started along this journey a few days ago. I started playing esports titles recently but I am not going to be a roster player. Once we get recognition and grow the team as a brand I will try to focus on big events. But for right now we're focused on YouTube Videos and streaming as well as competing against smaller teams like us. If you are interested or if you'd like to help get the team up and running you can contact using Twitter or Instagram @skeptic_gg


  • Must represent the team in your social medias @skeptic(yourname)
  • Must create content
  • Must have at least one video or stream a week
  • Don't be greedy
  • Interact with you following
  • Don't give up!!


  • non spécifié(s)

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