

Counter-Strike 2 | PC | Royaume-Uni

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We're a small team called Aumento we want to push our limits and see how high we go, at first our goal would be to reach the top of faceit, attend some tournaments and how it goes, we wont set to many goals. but our goal is to see how high and good we can become as a team and individuals.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


We're a newly formed team called Aumento, we're currently 4 players on the team, looking for a 5th, preferably Lurker and rifler or support and rifler. We mainly focus on 128 tick, so we play a lot of faceit, we do not play MM as often. There are some requirements you need to fill before trailing for the team: You must be familiar with 128 tick, you must at least be MGE. You must have to good mic and know how to speak proper English, You must at least be 15 and you have to own a Faceit account. You can't be toxic in the team since it's not tolerated, and you should be ready for you getting tried out before you're in the team, you should give information, and know the basics of the game. If this isn't you don't waste you and our time.


  • Must have a good Microphone
  • Must be familiar with 128 tick (Smokes, flashes ect.)
  • Your MM rank should be atleast MGE
  • Your Faceit lvl should atleast be lvl 3
  • You must own a discord account
  • You have to be familiar with english
  • Must be atleast 15 years old, and mature
  • Must own a faceit accounts
  • No toxicity
  • You must know that you're not joining the team in 1 day


  • https://www.rogueenergy.com/?rfsn=4769802.5a4251&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=4769802.5a4251

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